
It has been a hard time since Fame was taken from our pack. My little son "Jeffi" stopped eating and mommy was so sad... Even I got very sad and acted a bit strange. But the last couple of days it has been better. The other day me and "Jeffi" was broomed, that was really nice. Well anyhow all this writing gets me a bit tired! See you! WOW!


This morning I got out at 7, I know that because I know how to read a watch! I especially know when its time to eat, thatīs important! I usually remind mommy by running around the dinner table as fast as I ever can, until mom realise that it food I want! She usally looks a bit angry.... And Jeffi usually stands beside her wondering if he should do the same.But I think that he is to stupid to understand. Besides he isnīt very hungry today either.... Last night he got bouillon in his food, I didnīt like that. Hmmm.... But on the other hand it is good when he isnīt eating, because then I can steal his share as well, NICE!! We were out at about 11 oīclock, and later on we when on a car trip, that is real fun! Should I tell you a little bit about my self?! First of all Iīm a great car fanatic! I just love cars! I usually try to get hold of the cars to get a better look. But mommy doesīt approve of my car interrest. She saids that dogs are soft and cars are hard. I donīt know. Exept for cars I just love swimming, it is so much fun playing about in the water. I always try to get a peek of the fishes but they swim deeper than I do, even though I dive after them. I also like to track, I do that quite a bit. That is fun! But why are there so many small sticks until I get to the final big one!?!? The little spare time I have left I try to keep track of Jeffi. He is a bit of a hassle when he tries to take my place in the pack, well well he is still young. Now I have to quit writing, Iīm beginning to feel pain in my paws. See you soon again! Mommy saids that she thinks that every visitor should write in her guestbook. Do that othervise she will be so sad!


Yesterday, I couldnīt write because I were really tired after a long day. And because I had to vipe out the traces after Jeffiīs present to mommy. Besides all that I had a great day. I ate a really nice icecream with topping which I bought from mommy for a big KISS. Cheap! I bought it when we were in "Trosa", there we saw a gigantic boat with a ABBA-star on, cool! Trosa were full of dogs, I havenīt seen so many, ever. Later on yesterday evening, mom and me trained, It went perfekt, Iīm the BEST! Even though I had to keep an eye on Jeffi. I were awarded with Finish "tar-pills". That is a tip to give to you momīs and dadīs. It tastes great! I steal some of mom when she doesnīt look, I just canīt get enough of them. It is funny to see momīs face when she finds a broken wet, pillbox in her bag... Oops what is Jeffi, doing now!? Gotta go!! Bye!!


What a morning! Early as the birds, mom woke us up. And off we went for a trip to "Sigtuna", mom was going to take her horse to the doctor. Growl, I do like the doctor!! Anyway we got into the car and drive off, full STOP! It seems that every car in Stockholm had got into the road. Mom, went bananas! (The third time in a row, should I worry!?) She yelled, and tossed her self over the passanger seat. I suspect that she was a bit lat. Hihihi! We had to stay i the car all the time. What if someone woould have wanter to steal us. All they would have needed to do was to reach in and open the door. Mean, mean mommy. There were a lot of big dogs there, they sounded a bit strange, though. After all that we went to visit some folks, there had been a dog there but he had left already. Jeffi acted really wierd, I had a tough time keeping up with him. Well now Iīm going to race around in the forrest. Bye!!


This last week I have been occupied keeping after Jeffi, that made me sooo tired. And after that babysitting and all those walks in the forrest I had to get some sleep aswell. Iīm not a young boy any more. Ofcourse Iīve had time to fetch mommy some shoes so that I could get some sweets in exchange. I really recommend these exchange tricks to any other dog, you always win on it. Right now Iīm tired of Jeffi, he has shown me this vanilla bite ring for some time, I really sigh in vain for it! So I must take it away from him, ahh, perfect, now I made him cry: No! What is he doing he is running to mommy to tattle.. I better give it back to him.... Woff until next time! See you soon!


Hmm, what am I going to do!? My little son is making himself heard a little too much... I dont know if I like that... He pees over my marking, and he kicks dirt as hard he ever can. Today I had to show him who is in charge. I simply ran over me, but it doesnīt feel very good to do so! And do you know what is worst?! Whenever I feel like kissing my mommy he always gets in between and showes me away! What am I going to do?! If you have an idea send a mail to mommy marked "To Felix"!! Maybe it isnīt such a big problem anyway!? Anyway, today we were out in the forrest, I like that! But I saw something really strange, somebody had streched a wire between two trees. That dangerous, what if any of those young boys riding their mcīs there would crash into it, that would really hurt!!! Besides the forrestwalk, we trained a little bit today, it went great! No, now Iīm too tired to write anymore, Iīm getting old you know! I wanna have some sleep! Bye!



This morning it was my turn to feel bad. Like the cow I am, I had my stomache full of grass. Oooops did I feel bad......but I´m a adult do I can handle stuff like that, but it is worse with mommy who has a fobia and really panic when she hears such. But my belly is empty so I got really hungry! I was thinking of eating Jeffi´s food, he didn´t seem like he was hungry. I´m going to tell you a little bit about Jeffi´s pranks, he gets like posessed when he scents my mommys perfume which is called "Dune" He bounces around , spinns around and sniffs around like a crazy, I wonder if he has "666" somewhere under his fur, I think I´ll check that out.. Brrr, scary, that. I should have watched that horror movie yesterday. And now a good advice to all leader dogs: Be a leader! Remember that the leadersled-dog has the best view.



This night has been wonderful.. I was able to sleep without someone waking me! Iīve checked out that about those "666:s" under the fur of Jeffi, he probably thought I was cuddling with him..so cute...Dork! No, I didntīfind them anywhere but they should be there somewhere, the way he is acting! I still havīnt got any mail sent to me, I guess Iīll keep on waiting..The one who is waiting for something good, never waits to long. By the way, regarding vacuumcleaners, that is something so TERRIBLE, unnecessary!! What is the big deal with a few dog hairs rolling around on the floor... No, all I can say is UNNECESSARY!!!! All you have to do is to lick a bit on the floor and it gets reallyhygienic, just like in the hospital..like sterile...I have many good and practical advices to all who wants to help back home, just ask me and Iīll have the answers for all the little problems of life!! Itīs about time for the good advice of the day: Never, ever say no to homebaked cookies!



I hope you had good use of my tip from yesterday . There will be more today aswell, but first Iīm going to tell you a little bit on how the day has been. We were out on a small forrest trip and there were the worlds best mudhole, I were attracted t oit like a magnet. .... Me and the mudhole fitted like a glove! Jeffi didnīt want to dive into it, is he stupid or is he afraid that his long white socks were going to get dirty?? Thats better for me, the more you smell the respect you get! After the mudbath we went back to the car, and there mommy finally understood that he is possessed !!! She started to look around after those 6:es in his coat. I knew it!! She obviously suspecting something about him. ....... But what is it she is picking off him...???No...Nooooo... what is she thinking!!?? Why is she poking around in my coat for?!?! I donīt have any hidden 666 undr my coat!! No, now Iīm too upset to write anything... The good advice of the day: Never give up hope abut something. Wonders happens every day.


Woffie birthday to yooouuuuuuu, Woffie birthday to yoooouuuuuuuuuu, woffie birthday dear mommmyyyyyyyyyy, woffie birthday to yooooouuuuuuuuu!! Today I finally got to give my present to mommy, first of all a beautiful birthdaycard from me and Jeffi, then there were some dog-candy within, which I had bought with the money I earned as a Private-eye dog, or what it is called.. Also I had collected a large pile of great cool wooden-sticks!!!! I couldn´t tell Jeffi, or else he probably would have wanted them him self... Now we´re eating chinese and Jeffi is dancing around and so am I, It soo much superfun!! And tomorrow there is going to be a even bigger party!!! Hehe!!! Now for your special highlight... The good advice of the day: Remember that winners do what losers don´t want to do.. Big kiss on you all, see you tomorrow!



Now finally Jeffi has gone to bed, you have to let your little brothers go to bed before you, so that you can be alone and meditate for a while! I really don´t know what has come into me, I´ve started to play so increadably much with Jeffi, I feel a bit sorry for him he is still mourning Fame, we all do but I get a bit worried about him.... He has lost quite alot of weight, maybe he is anorectic???!!! I think he is spending a lot of time infront of the mirror.. Is that it.. Hmm... Speaking of Jeffi, he is full of little pranks, he is still stealing soil from the flowerpots.... Mom ha sprayed "No!-Spary" on them.... Does it work as a fertiliser for the flowers???!!! She got a bit irritated, when he time after time spreat out dirt on the floor, so she skreamed "Spit"!, So ofcause he ran at full speed from the flowers towards me and SPAT on ME!! It was atleast 1 meter he spat, was he trying to frame me???!!! I´m a very obedient boy. No now I´m going to bed aswell we´re going to the forrest to work some tomorrow. Now for the good advice of the day: Just don´t go with the flow. Be a pilot!


Dear Dogs!!

Thank you for all the letters you mailed me, marked "To Felix", answers to all of your questions you asked will be mailed soon. Ofcause you may also write to me in the guestbook, if you want to! Today I´ve been swimming, diving and jogging on the beachline. You have to be in shape so that your muscles flexes when you walk. Rex, my big idol, starts as a re-run next week, I´m thinking of walking in his footstep in my own Tv-series, maybe it could be called "Detective Rex". I think it could be a success! Now for the highlight of the day! The todays advice: Be such a man or a dog who lights up a room when entered.


Speaking of light up a room, now I´m going to tell you about another one of my passions, O´m talking about flashlights, carlights!! Thats mighty! Now I´m going to tell you a true story all the names of the people involved has been changed to protect the innocent. Once upon a time there was a blonde girl, let´s call her "Jana" she worked as a doghandler with her beautiful german shepherd, we can call him.."Feli". This team worked at nights, one night there were a burgular at a bigger company and she was sent there, she drove as fast as she could, and when arriving there she could see that there actually had been a burglary there, with clear markings on the door. They entered the company with "Feli" going first and all the others behind him. "Jana saw someone turning on a flashlight and "Feli" really got going hard, everyone thought that there were someone left and now there were going to be action!!! "Jana said: -"Fast! Turn off your flashlights"! And everyone obeyed her, the man in charge thought that, that was a great idea´because now they were not going to be seen, and they got very much credit for that! But the truth was that "Feli" was very fond of flashlight, and immediatly wanted to get into the light, like the super star he was!! Now for the good advice of the day: Stop stressing out, Relax. Exept when it is about a life and death situation, nothing is that important that it seems like in the beginning!


Woff! Today my diary is going to be a very short one, I have to save my strength for Thursday evening when I am going to have a exhibition and show a group of people all that I can do, mom is supernervous... Is it be me that should be nervous!? But mommy is easally stressed. Today when we were training her nervousity sould have gone over. Because I showed the best side of mr, I was mega-good!, so mom was really proud of me and my brother, we behaved perfectly today!! We were away buying dog-sweets today, but mommy forgot the bag with the sweets in the car, hope nobody steals it!! It must be HARDWARE for a thief! It was incredably sloppy I must say! Keep you paws crossed that it is still there tomorrow morning. Now for the good advice of the day: Keep your calm, what ever situation you´re in.


Today mom was really sick! I´ll have to take good care of her. I don´t know if she can be at my exhibition tomorow. Maybe I can do it myself, I´m the one who is doing the hard work. Mommy was really sick but she fought her way up and took us out at the break of dawn, our heroine! Later on we were taken out by mom´s friends Katja, Jonas and their dog "Devil", lucky shot, Iwas getting worried the mom were going to get up again, when she should be in bed, recovering, but mostly I was getting really needy! We went out looking at the ducks in the park, I couldn´t help it, I just had to scare them, just a little bit! Then we went to the subway, strange thing that.. A lot of people enters a big box, and it moves away. Why don´t they walk by themselvs?! I can´t keep on writing much more, mommy may need help with something. I got to take care of her now! The advice of the day: Never give up. The one who has big dreams is more powerful than the one with all the facts.


VOV !!

Today I´m really mad!!! I feel so sorry for mommy!!! How can mankind be so mean why cant people understand anything! i hate it when people is so mean... How can you take a horse on "forage" and not care for it so that it doesn´t feel bad??!! Or whatever kind of animal...Brrr!! I don´t like that kind of people!!! And that´s not all they cheated her on some money, so Jeffi´s coarse is in jeopardy, what if they can´t afford it,mommy is going to be soo sad!! No, now I´m going to comfort mommy so that she doesn´t have to feel so lonely.. But first the advice of the day: May you always find the right words to the besserwissers in place and enough strength in you knees to leave with dignity!


Wov! Today it feels much better because mommy is much happier than she were yesterday. Things will work out if you use your common sence, mommy were in touch with a kind of a Lawyer and she were all right, so she will probably get her money. Well, well people are strange....By the way I think those "666:es" were hauting Jeffi a bit yesterday, he is very hormone driven at the moment, he even thought he were bigger than I am and started to ride me!! Embarassing boy that is, it´s a all different thing when I do it against him...hmm...And now you have to mark ontop of his pee....It is very hard work when the both of us want to be the biggest, but I think you know that a GSD-boy IS the Biggest!!! At least if your name is Felix! I was thinking about telling you a story about my girlfriend Romi, she could ride a Motorcycle!!!!! She ride the bike almost 20 kilometers, thats cool isn´t it? That was a real bike-girl, she sat there grabbing on with her paws on the shoulders. She loved to ride the bike...mmm...Beautiful, you get a bit sentimental thinking back on the good ole´days.! Romi took care of Jeffi, then there was not fooling around with him. Now I have to race him all the time, he is quick as a lightning, so I can only catch onto him if I wait him out, when he is running the opposite direction.....Gotta think of something good, if you hae a idea please mail me! Now for the advice of the day: Don´t burn any bridges. You´ll get supprised to find out how many time you have to cr oss the same river.


Woff! Today I haven´t done anything special, except training obedience. My exhibition was moved to this Monday instead, mom thought that was great because we had more time to train......I do understand that she would like to move it as far into the future as possible, so that she had time to train more with me, but I understand that she is always is nervous anyway, she always feels it could get better, Mom is a perfectionist you know. But if she trusted me, it probably would get even better, when we compete she gets REALLY WEIRD....She hardly breathes and feels sick, still she thinks it´s fun to compete...afterwards that is!! Today was Romi´s birthday, she would have been three today. I understand that all my nonsence must be increadably interresting.... Ah... The good advice of the day: Give credit in public.


Woff! Today it has been a MEGA-GREAT day!!! We have been in the forrestand running back and fourth between two person, and we have trained in the sand-pit, hill-training, brr. hard work, but funny!! After that we went to grandma, she gave mommy, money for dogfood to us, that is REALLY KIND!!! Yummi.. What a gift and then we also got sausage, that is not bad, now I´m soon going to bed so I´ll get you the advice of the day: Be endurable and dont ever give up!


VOV! Today, I woke up really hungry as allways, mom got up and started prepairing us for breakfast, she asked us if we were hungry like a million times....YES!!!!!!!.. I said: I´m always hungry! I ran around the table like a thousand laps or so!!! Mom really was trying to get Jeffi to longing for food, she was successfull, even Jeffi threw himself onto his chair, good maybe things are back on track!? Mom walks towards the barrel of food, opens it and.. NOW we´re going to have food, but why does she looks so supprised? No, NOOO! The worst thing that ever could happen, happened, the barrel of food is empty, EMPTY!!!! I think I´ll die!!! I wounder why that is!? Has she been so sloppy!? Mom apologieses and promises that she will go and buy food right now, but I want food NOW! well, well.. She is forgotten, I do love her, no matter what she does, aspecially when she is that sorry.. Well we went to buy food, and then we´re going to the forrest for a long walk before the exhibition, so I´m going to tell you about that tomorrow, now for the advice of the day: Admit yor mistakes.


WOFF! Today I have some to tell you about yesterday, how my exhibition went adn so, first we went for a walk in the forrest for a couple of hours, really smart mommy!! How alert do you think you would get by that? I´m just wondering, I were exhausted... How did she think I would be alert and preppy at my big moment!! Ok, I suppose I´ll have to do as wellas I can, even though I only wanted to have some rest. Now the time was in, when the big master were going to show what he could do!! First we did "Heel in leash".. Mom acted really strange, I wonder if she is angry? I´ll better walk beside her slowly. And then onto the "Heel-walk", nope I dont feel like walking that close to her, she acts really strange, a bit stiff... Then she became even more angry and told me to get my act together, she talked so that no one heard ofcause! But they seemed quite impressed anyway, was´nt that good? Mom petted me, maybe she was satified anyway!? I´ll just continue in the same style. Time for the "In front walk", that went fine, just as the "Stay". Ohh, I feel so good with myself!! It´s time for the "Fetch", YIPPIEE!!! I just love the "Fetch-handle" and I anxiously waited...Finally I get to run after the "Fetch-handle", I picked it up without chewing it and mom is looking proudly on me...now I get this feeling that I show put on a show, just a little bit... I see all the other dogs standing there looking at me, what! Is it this you want to have?! I showed it to them and threw it into the air and catches it the next moment, it´s mine, ALL MINE!! Mom´s eyes just goes totally black!! For a moment she looks like she just wanted to disappear...Strange!! Yeah, yeah, I´ll better go and sit beside her then but it did feel much funnier to jump around a bit!!! No, now it´s time for the good advice of the day: Don´t make the same mistake twice!


VOV ! Today when wecame home from our early-morning walk, there were a terrible stenth from Jeffi! He smelled so strong and so sour that I´m wondering if he has misunderstood that about smelling strong?? You are not supposed to smell like you have been in the cat-litter box for weeks...No, my advice to Jeffi is: take a bath, no one gets happier by smelling like that!! Expecially us, who is living with you. No onto something funnier, today we´ve practiced obedience, Jeffi thought it were unfair that I trained before he did, so he stood there trying to screw things up for me, but I didn´t take any notice of him, I´m actually quite pleased with myself!! After that Jeffi had a chance to train for a moment he were really good.!! Then we had "Staydown" together, that went fine aswell. Jeffi tried to check around but he stayed down. Mom has been cleaning and grooming all day here at home, it´s kind of hard when it gets like clinically clean. After that she cooked owenbaked sausage with potatogratin, YUMM!! My mouth watered, like the gourmet I am! I´m worried that mom is going to be a vegetarian again, she has been that a couple of times, that would not be very good. We don´t have much pastery and such here at home mommy is Lactos Intollerant, (oversensitive agaist milkproducts), but sometimes she commits a big sin and then we get VANILLABUNS, and that is SUPERDUPER GREAT!!! Now for the advice of the day: Don´t take good health for granted.


VOV !!Today we were up with the old rooster, we went out, but then when we got home again mommy went to bed again, she has something that is called sinusitis, it kind of like nose-mites, I think! Well it probably is you can count on me!! Jeffi is getting old his "curlyhair" is starting to grow out and getting really shiny and nice., ofcause not as nice as mine, no one can compete with that!! But a grown up he´ll never be, he keeps biting my legs all the time!! How is he thinking that I could stand steady then!!?? Speaking of grown-ups, soon I´m going to show some people how tracking is done, what about that!? Everyone wants to see a champion in action! By the way moms horses moved to Eskilstuna today, so we are going there tomorrow, so I better hit the bunk, but first the highlight of the day, the advice of the day: Send less time worrying about who is right, and more time on, deciding what is right.


VOV !! Finally I got to write here again!!! It has been soo boring not to be able to share our lives with you, and my good advices, I can imagine that you have missed it UNBELEAVABLY much!! There has been some increadably error with the computer machine... But here we are again!!! Now I guess the happiness is complete both for you and for me!? I was thinking about telling you what I have done this past week, Jeffi started on his coarse, so I had a calm and quiet moment at home, and no soil between my paws...Supernice!!But say that happiness who lasts forever, soon he was back home and causing commotion again, but atleast there will be a quiet moment one day a week for another 10 weeks..Ahhhh.. One night there were some wine here at home and I just LOVE wine, but don´t think anyone gave me any, cheap!! So all there was left was to serve yourself, mommy wasn´t happy about that, but it was worth it!! Jeffi is worse than ever! He bites my legs and works on the flowers more than ever!! mommy isn´t too happy about that, but as spoild as he is, he doesn´t care much!! I have been asked to have a exhibition again, this time in tracking and protection-work. MMmm, ofcause they ask me... By the way I pushed down Jeffi today when we played, THAT was great fun when I draged him around in his neck-skin and he was screaming for mommy... That´s momories for a lifetime, to tell your grandchildren and great grandchildren. Now for the advice of the day: Put a lot of whipped cream on your hot cocoa.


VOVOV !! Today I were up at the dusk of dawn, for a quick moningwalk, then back inside for breakfast. Yummi! Superfood! Not enogh maybe, but.... Then it was time to go to Eskilstuna to see the horses, they are BIG!! But I acted quite well if you ask me? But it was quite hard to see mommy ride away on thta big thing.... It may happen just about anything, and it looked like she were going to practice terrainjump...Oh. oh, Dangerous!! After that we went back home, mom took a shower and a quick visit to granma. After that it was all calm and quiet it seems like Jeffi 666 didn´t affect him today, good then you may have some rest, fianlly. Well everything had it´s normal way until mom went into the bathroom, took out a tube of some kind og goo, and she started to washher face with that, strange what is she doing?! But I were about to find out, she turned around and kept her eyes shut.while rubbing her eyes, then she fell over ME!! What tha´H_LL!!! Now I´m really pissed!! And if that wasn´t enogh...! She is all green in her face!! Pwuee.. Is she going to look like that?! When we roll around int the mud, then is´s different...Then we are pigs.!!!! Is she going to war or something?! They look like that when they go to play war in the forrest. I know that since I have guarded a militaryaircraft called JAS 39 Griffin. A tough job, doubble fences and a tough hard guy, like me ofcourse! No one dares to pass me! If you are cool, you are cool! Mom even sat in the cockpit of the different aircrafts. Beat that if you can! Now for the good advice of the day: If you get into a fight, strike the first punch and strike it hard!


VOV on you guys!! I didn´t write yesterday, as you might have noticed, I had my hands full reading and writing cards and letters from a dog-chick in the US. She is a SUPER goodlooking GSD-chick, who lives over there, but ofcause I don´t want Jeffi to read my letters to her, why can´t he stick to her own breed??! After that I had to go to bed for a nap. Yesterday we were on a looongwalk, and after that we went over to some friends, who helped mom out with a logo for a shop she is planning to open, Jeffi were a model. I heard that I´m going to model as well... When we came back home we went down to the waterside and walked for an hour, we also went to a planned garden to look around. Jeffi´s green paws wanted to go to work at once, but he wasn´t allowed to by mom. It is enough all the mess he puts up at home!! Today I defied Jeffi and went up to mom to say Goodmorning twice, he didn´t like that at all, he is sooo jellous, so he bit me in my nose, so I growled back at him, he just cant own mom ny himself!!! I actually lived here before him!!! He doesn´t get that!! Now I´m so tired, so I´m going to rest for awhile, but first a advice: Calm down a hour before sleep, before you answer up to anyone who has provoced you. And if there is something really important, sleep on it!


WOV !! Today we´re not very happy, we just found out that a human, ofcause who would else do such a stupid thing, stole one of our animations to his homepage!! That makes me so upset, you don´t steal ANYTHING! Hav´nt people got any common sense?!! We dogs would never do something that low... You have to make up your own ideas and if you don´t have any fantasy you don´t need a homepage!!! It´s just like entering a shop and steal there, and you don´t do that, do you?! Baaad Boy! For doing something like that!! Now I´m going to bed, but first the advice of the day: Know your legal rights and obligations!


WOW !! Today it feels much better, when I got some sleep. I´m just going to tell you that Jeffi still is spooky. The other day he thought that the alarm-radio was really scary, ofcause he had NEVER seen it before, strange. And there is musiiiic coming out of that little box.....And he thinks that sheets can attack him!! How is he ever going to pass any tests?!...Gotta come up with something, how he is going to get tougher.. Now for the highlight, the advice of the day: Never underestimate your ability to change.


VOV ! Now fall has come and I´m abit afraid that I will catch Jeffi´s cough, but he usally coughs when he has done something bad...hmm...Simulating, if you ask me!! THen He tries to take my place with mommy, and I have been very overseeing, but now he is getting on my nerves, when I see his kissing up to her!! He gets so nuts when she sprays on her perfume like I told you before. I thought it would get better, but Oh no!!! Jeffi also thinks that he is a optician, he is constantly rubbing his nose in my eyes!! What irritates me as well is that when I lay on a clean matress, I...Yuck! what the h_ll is this?! Mud and soil in my bed?! Jeffi´s work is getting me into trouble!! I think I´ll just throw him out some day. Or maybe we´ll have a family meeting or maybe I´ll go out to protest! With banners and flags and stuff, to bad it is such a long time ´till 1:st of may, because isn´t it then you do such stuff!? It seems like it is time for tacos now, so I´ll have my hands full fetching things to exchange for treats, It always work!! The advice of the day: Suprise you loved ones with unawaited gifts.